Backward compatibility of KDE Apps with old Linux distributions?

I’ve just updated my app to use org.kde.Platform 5.15 instead of org.freedesktop.Platform 21.08 and didn’t get this update on my Fedora 33. It just doesn’t see a new app version after all updates (by yum and Software Center). Should old systems receive recent app updates?

Fedora 33 is not EOL yet. The app is org.linux_hardware.hw-probe.



Looks like it’s updated and new versions is executed by the Launch button. But I still see old description, size, images on the app page in the Software Center.

is that still the case? You can inspect ~/.local/share/flatpak/appstream/flathub/x86_64/active/appstream.xml or /var/lib/flatpak/appstream/flathub/x86_64/active/appstream.xml to see if your entry is correct.

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