Help! Not working

I run raspberry pi OS 32-bit version and I followed all instructions needed to install Flatpak. I run the OS on a raspberry pi 3 model b. I bought the Pi back in 2017 and 64-bit OS(es) just won’t work on it anymore, but that’s not the point. The point is I followed all instruction at by coping and pasting the code. And when it booted back up after rebooting. Then I click on the link to install apps, then I click on an app, I do this with a few other apps, I go to the command line options at the bottom and I copy and paste the first line in the terminal and I get an error saying

error: Nothing matches [app name] in remote flathub

I tried it with a few other random apps and I got the same error. Please help? Thanks in advance!

arm (32-bits) isn’t supported anymore. Some app might still have older version available as arm. It’s written on the setup page about Flatpak on Raspberry Pi.
