[HOW TO] Run Firefox *and* KeePassXC in a flatpak and get the KeePassXC-Browser add-on to work

Thanks! I had to apply one change as the keepassxc server socket has a different name now:
Therefore my ~/.local/share/user-tmpfiles.d/kpxc_server.conf now goes
L %t/kpxc_server - - - - %t/app/org.keepassxc.KeePassXC/org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.BrowserServer

Also, there is no need to reboot, just run
systemd-tmpfiles --user --create

P.S.: After a few tests, I have to say that this doesn’t work reliably. Keepassxc and firefox seem to be connected, but in most instances, keepassxc-browser says “no entries found”.

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