Merge PR in org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.openjdk which will ship Java 19

Hi all,

GitHub - flathub/org.cryptomator.Cryptomator requires Java 19 to update to version 1.6.16.

In org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.openjdk is a PR open since Apr 21 regarding this topic:

In the README of this repo is mentioned

OpenJDK 17 is the current latest version. This is not a long-term support (LTS) version and will be periodically updated as new JDKs are released.

Java 18 was published in March and Java 19 in Sept 22.

Are there maintainers of this package here? If not, how can we help to get this version shipped?
If you’re interested, we could help in maintaining this package.


I would also really like that to happen

Discussed in the Matrix channel to create a package using the content of the PR as base. Am currently working on it but when someone wants to join, please let me know :slight_smile: