Permissions EaseEffect

Zrzut ekranu_easyeffects_20240907195644

Hi, Howto solve ?

flatpak permission-reset com.github.wwmm.easyeffects

This command doesn’t change anything. This message still appears.

In terminal

(easyeffects:2): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:01:56.052: Unable to acquire the address of the accessibility bus: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown. If you are attempting to run GTK without a11y support, GTK_A11Y should be set to ‘none’.

(easyeffects:2): easyeffects-WARNING **: 20:02:01.256: libportal.cpp:82 Background access has been denied

(easyeffects:2): easyeffects-WARNING **: 20:02:01.256: libportal.cpp:83 Please allow Easy Effects to ask again with Flatpak permission-reset com.github.wwmm.easyeffects

(easyeffects:2): easyeffects-WARNING **: 20:02:01.290: libportal.cpp:96 due to error, setting autostart state and switch to false

Deepin 23

Might be, that deepin doesn’t implement the background portal?

This is probably the case, or it doesn’t work well, because after installing xdg-desktop-portal-dde I already have access to the permissions, but the changes are not saved anyway, and the flatpaks take a long time to start.

I’m getting the same issue on Arch, so I don’t think it’s restricted to deepin alone

Arch is not a desktop environment. Deepin is.