App Listing Quality Report Discussion - Slack

Hello, wasn’t sure where or who to ask about this, but I recently had a report done for the Slack Flatpak, and had some questions about some of the failures.

App Icon
No baked-in shadows: The icon was recently updated to redact the shadows, not sure why this is still failing?

Shorter than 35 characters: Not so much a question, but just wanted to highlight this is the official summary used by Slack on their existing channels of distribution.
No weird formatting or punctuation: Ditto

Screenshots taken on Linux: The screenshot provided is the official screenshot from Slack for the Linux client (Linux | Downloads | Slack). Though, it’s more of a render in fairness. Was that the reason it failed? How can we provide a screenshot on Linux without it just being the default sign in page? I wouldn’t want to use any of the workspaces I use personally to be in the screenshot.

Icons need a few to get updated everywhere due to caching. So I wasn’t 100% sure it updated already.

It’s a hard coded check right now, so if it’s longer, we can’t do anything about it

I don’t think we care, we’re just tagging, what has good quality

Yes, we would like to see the real app, with window shadows and decorations. So that it matches how it would look similar to how it looks when users actually install it.
I would think setting up a dummy/test account and maybe use some “public” slack space (I know of community/slack from the top of my head) to create screenshots.

For screenshots, does “zoom” count as changing the default settings of the app? Thinking that the screenshot might be illegible at 4K @ 150% scaling.

Also my screenshots would be on GNOME 45, which wouldn’t represent what a user would see on KDE 5.27, for example. The window decorations would be completely different.

I’m not sure what your asking. Are you asking if screenshotting with a scaling factor is fine?

That’s fine.
You could also screenshot both, but that’s a lot of work. Then set environment Upstream Metadata | AppStream | AppStream 1.0
But I think flathub doesn’t support that at all yet.

Can I get your input on the screenshots here?

I’m using the gnome & gnome:dark environment bits, don’t know if Flathub can take advantage though.

Also not sure how I can merge this commit with the link pointing to images that don’t exist. I want it to reference them from the repo but doesn’t seem like I can do that without merging screenshots, then creating a separate PR for the metainfo update.

The general one is great content wise - but I think you made all screenshots in full screen mode. You will need to do them in a non maximized mode and use the window screenshot tool.

The message screenshot is kinda problematic, as it’s showing an empty page, which we usually don’t want. You might get through with it, if it’s not the first image.

It can’t yet. Not sure if it ever will for the gnome bit

Yeah, that’s unfortunately how it works if you want to have it in that same repo.

Fixed the screenshots to be not full screen, and removed the message screenshot outright.

Question about a new summary, would “Business Communication” violate the current guidelines? I was trying to find an official summary used by Slack that didn’t go over 35 characters, and that was the only one (‎Slack on the App Store).

Thinking it might violate Quality guidelines | Flathub Documentation, but I’m not sure, or if violating that would still be preferable to going over length limit.

Yeah, technically it would violate that so it should be Business communication to be fine