Audacity 3.6.2 - Where the hell came 40 GB

3 Days ago I have installed “Audacity” after testing some audio-files
(all in up to 500 MB) I made an whole Disk Image, later I saw that the image has a 48 GB Size.
After searching where the big size comes, I found under:
there were 2 data a size together of 40 GB, after deleting them, Audacity started without any problems.

Very strange, as the Audacity flathub page reports a installed size of 105.91 MiB


Something looks wrong on your end, maybe you were building Audacity locally in the past?

Anyway you can uninstall with --delete-data and then install again to be sure you have a fresh installation.

flatpak uninstall --delete-data org.audacityteam.Audacity