Broken links in Pdf4Qt App Launcher on Zorin

Hi I’m new here having installed Zorin17.2 (like debian /ubuntu22.04) with Flatpack installed as default.

Launched Pdf4Qt from flatpack and the open button opens the PDF4QT Editor.

I ‘Pinned’ the Launch icon to the taskbar ok.
When (with the writer app is closed) I click the Launch Icon, the Launcher opens, offering the 4 options:-
and PageMaster

When I click on any of those 4 icons I get
"Error failed to start process ‘./Pdf4QtEditor’ # for example

As the error mentions a ./filename I have searched

root@p4zn:~# find / -name 'Pdf4Qt*'
find: ‘/proc/11391/task/11391/net’: Invalid argument
find: ‘/proc/11391/net’: Invalid argument
find: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: Permission denied
find: ‘/run/user/1000/doc’: Permission denied

The removed files are from a previously removed install - trying to solve this.

ANY IDEAS ? or should this be posted in the Pdf4Qt App git site. THANKS

It seems that the application does work but the launcher doesn’t work as intended via Flatpak.

Pdf4Qt is a verified App, you should report the issue (see the “Report an Issue” link of its Flathub page). Check if it was already reported.