Desktop files and the Exec line

Originally, I am following some documentation that I found here:

I am finishing off a flatpak app and I’m working on the ‘.desktop’ file. I have managed to write lines in my flatpak yaml file that install the desktop and the img files on my system. Right now the desktop file looks like this:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Gpt Etc.
    Comment=A client for Gpt servers.
    #Exec=/bin/bash -c "flatpak run org.theguy.GptEtc"

The app works and I can type ‘flatpak run org.theguy.GptEtc’ and it launches. If I use the run-launcher on my system, I can see the entry for ‘GptEtc’ and I can select it. No app opens up at that time.

I can, from the command line, type ‘gtk-launch org.theguy.GptEtc.desktop’ and I get the message below:

    bwrap: execvp org.theguy.GptEtc: No such file or directory

If I switch the commenting on the Exec line, so that the ‘bash’ command is run, I get a message that flatpak cannot be found.

    /bin/bash: line 1: flatpak: command not found 

I can run ‘which flatpak’ and I see it on /usr/bin/flatpak.

How do I write the Exec line so that my flatpak app is run? Thanks for your time.

You put the binary you want to execute into Exec (I guess in your case Flatpak will update the desktop file when the application is installed to run through flatpak.

I don’t know why the documentation uses the app-id. Either there is some app-id magic which doesn’t work, the Exec-line is simply wrong or just confusing (maybe there is an org.gnome.Dictionary binary?).

Thank you. sorry I’m getting back late. I’m guessing this still works for both system and user installs?

I’m facing exactly the same issue. I initially used the app-id, as documented in the docs, but that doesn’t work.

After looking at the files generated when installing the app, I realized that from a desktop file with an exec line like this:


…Flatpak will generate a Desktop entry at /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications/org.example.myapp.desktop. This file does not contain Exec=my-app, but this instead:

Exec=/usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=master --arch=x86_64 --command=my-app org.example.myapp

This means that the Exec line of the desktop file provided to flatpak-builder will be run inside the app container, i.e. it must match the command: line in your Flatpak source YAML file.

I wish there was an option to completely ignore the original Exec line in the provided desktop file, and to generate an Exec line without the --command part.

Hah, I dug through the Flatpak source, and found the logic where the desktop file is generated/transformed:

The old_exec part is guarded by an if. We cannot omit the Exec from the original desktop file entry (otherwise flatpak-builder complains), but if it’s empty (i.e. Exec=) then the generated desktop file does not contain a --command argument and simply delegates to the default command of the Flatpak.

Since this is an open source project, I thought fixing docs is better than just complaining about them:

@radiodee1 would the proposed text have helped you? I would certainly have helped me understanding how things work (at least from my understanding of it).

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Your addition is good and it would have helped me at the time. Thanks for the extra work figuring the Exec line out. It may help in the future.

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