Does Flathub use an internal ID in case packages are renamed?–find:~:text=%60snap-id%60,snap%20app%20attribute demonstrates that Snapcraft exposes an immutable package identifier.

I ask whether Flathub does for the same reasons explained at — because in the case a package is renamed (like occurs) the package name occasionally changes.

However, my automation code doesn’t need to be readable to the extent that it relies upon transient identifiers.

There is only the well-known app ID. In the event that an app needs to be renamed, the existing one can retired with a link to the new name (eol-rebase).

Flatpak will offer to install the new app upon install or update, and it will rename the app’s data directory in ~/.var/app/. For automation, --assumeyes will make it follow the rename automatically.

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Does Flathub use an internal ID in case packages are renamed? - #2 by chrisawi

Thanks, @chrisawi. That’s somewhat better, considering that it’s flatpak-native rather than Flathub-specific.