Flatpak-builder stuck in v1.2.2

I want to upgrade flatpak-builder to v1.4.4 but this is what I get on Pop!_OS 22.04 when I run sudo apt-get --only-upgrade install flatpak-builder,

flatpak-builder is already the newest version (1.2.2-2).

I want to upgrade because the error I get while attempting to use flatpak-builder is similar to the one in this post. And it looks like one of the steps towards fixing the problem is upgrading to flatpak-builder v1.4.4.

Pop OS is based on Ubuntu which provides an older version. If Pop supports using PPAs you can use this PPA Flatpak stable versions : “Flatpak” team

Another option is to use org.flatpak.Builder from Flathub.


Is there documentation on the use of org.flatpak.Builder? I notice the flatpaks docs cover flatpak-builder but not org.flatpak.Builder.

Submission | Flathub Documentation Flatpak Docs is not Flathub.

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