Flatpak Request - XClicker (Autoclicker)

Project information: Autoclicker for X11 Desktops

Name: XClicker
Homepage: https://xclicker.xyz/
License: GPLv3
Upstream has been contacted: Yes

There’s currently no autoclickers on Flathub, so this would be a great project to have

Edit: Someone seems to have gone through my post history and flagged all my threads/comments - The system is telling me to edit my comment to make it reappear, so that’s what this is

It has been submitted. Still in review

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Can confirm XClicker is now working as intended on Flathub! Woohoo! Flathub—An app store and build service for Linux

Edit: Someone seems to have gone through my post history and flagged all my threads/comments - The system is telling me to edit my comment to make it reappear, so that’s what this is