Flatpak wants to remove everything?

Greetings Flatpak community,

Just ran some dnf updates today in Black Box (on Fedora 37 Gnome), got the latest mesa, nvidia drivers, etc. so I did a reboot, then ran flatpak update as usual to grab any additional latest nvidia flatpak updates so that flatpaks launch correctly, and everything updated no problem. Now I like to remove any old and no longer used flatpak packages, so I ran flatpak uninstall --unused to remove the older version of nvidia for flatpak and ran into this message:

1. [scott@fedora ~]$ flatpak uninstall --unused

2. Info: applications using the extension org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-525-60-11 branch 1.4:

3. com.bitwarden.desktop, com.discordapp.Discord, com.mojang.Minecraft, io.mpv.Mpv, app.drey.Blurble, com.belmoussaoui.Obfuscate, com.github.hugolabe.Wike, com.github.taiko2k.tauonmb, com.leinardi.gwe, io.github.lainsce.Khronos, org.gabmus.whatip, org.gnome.Podcasts, org.gnome.Shotwell, org.gnome.World.PikaBackup, org.gnome.gitlab.somas.Apostrophe, org.gustavoperedo.FontDownloader, org.inkscape.Inkscape, app.drey.Dialect, app.drey.EarTag, app.drey.Warp, com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator, com.belmoussaoui.Decoder, com.bitstower.Markets, com.github.ADBeveridge.Raider, com.github.GradienceTeam.Gradience, com.github.geigi.cozy, com.github.johnfactotum.Foliate, com.github.johnfactotum.QuickLookup, com.github.liferooter.textpieces, com.github.tchx84.Flatseal, com.gitlab.newsflash, com.mattjakeman.ExtensionManager, com.rafaelmardojai.Blanket, com.raggesilver.BlackBox, com.rawtherapee.RawTherapee, de.haeckerfelix.Fragments, de.haeckerfelix.Shortwave, de.zwarf.picplanner, dev.geopjr.Collision, fr.romainvigier.MetadataCleaner, im.bernard.Nostalgia, info.febvre.Komikku, io.bassi.Amberol, io.github.celluloid_player.Celluloid, io.github.realmazharhussain.GdmSettings, io.github.seadve.Kooha, io.gitlab.adhami3310.Converter, io.gitlab.theevilskeleton.Upscaler, io.posidon.Paper, net.sapples.LiveCaptions, org.darktable.Darktable, org.freedesktop.Piper, org.gabmus.gfeeds, org.gnome.Chess, org.gnome.DejaDup, org.gnome.Epiphany, org.gnome.Extensions, org.gnome.Maps, org.gnome.Todo, org.gnome.World.Secrets, org.gnome.gitlab.YaLTeR.Identity, org.gnome.gitlab.YaLTeR.VideoTrimmer, org.nickvision.money, org.nickvision.tagger, org.nickvision.tubeconverter, re.sonny.Tangram, uk.co.ibboard.cawbird, org.kde.kid3, org.fedoraproject.MediaWriter

4. Really remove? [y/n]:

If anyone could please just let me know if it’s safe (doesn’t look like it) to hit yes to remove only the old nvidia flatpak driver, OR if this is indeed saying it’s going to remove all my flatpak applications, which is definitely something I do not want to do. Not sure if this is possibly some bug with flatpak updates maybe, but better thought I’d ask to be sure. Thanks for any help and my apologies if this is a stupid question, just wanted to be better safe than sorry!

Here’s a Pastebin link for better readability.

Edit: I’ll add my flatpak runtime list, which currently includes two nvidia drivers, hence why I was hoping I could simply remove the old one like I have in the past. My current RPMfusion nvidia driver version is 525.78.01 btw:

[scott@fedora ~]$ flatpak list --runtime
Name                                               Application ID                                                   Version             Branch                  Installation
Freedesktop Platform                               org.freedesktop.Platform                                         22.08.5             22.08                   system
Mesa                                               org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default                              21.3.9              21.08                   system
Mesa                                               org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default                              22.3.2              22.08                   system
Mesa (Extra)                                       org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default                              22.3.2              22.08-extra             system
nvidia-525-60-11                                   org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-525-60-11                                         1.4                     system
nvidia-525-78-01                                   org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-525-78-01                                         1.4                     system
Intel                                              org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel                                                 21.08                   system
Intel                                              org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel                                                 22.08                   system
ffmpeg-full                                        org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full                                                 21.08                   system
ffmpeg-full                                        org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full                                                 22.08                   system
openh264                                           org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264                                2.1.0               2.0                     system
openh264                                           org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264                                2.1.0               2.2.0                   system
GNOME Application Platform version 42              org.gnome.Platform                                                                   42                      system
GNOME Application Platform version 43              org.gnome.Platform                                                                   43                      system
Adwaita dark GTK theme                             org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Adwaita-dark                                                       3.22                    system
KDE Application Platform                           org.kde.Platform                                                                     5.15-21.08              system
KDE Application Platform                           org.kde.Platform                                                                     6.4                     system
QGnomePlatform                                     org.kde.PlatformTheme.QGnomePlatform                                                 5.15-21.08              system
QGnomePlatform                                     org.kde.PlatformTheme.QGnomePlatform                                                 6.4                     system
QtSNI                                              org.kde.PlatformTheme.QtSNI                                                          5.15-21.08              system
QGnomePlatform-decoration                          org.kde.WaylandDecoration.QGnomePlatform-decoration                                  5.15-21.08              system
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Hey Scotty!

Yeah that should be fine, it wont remove all those apps. Even if it did, you could just do flatpak install again, since uninstalling an app doesn’t delete the user data (though modified permissions might reset).