Flatpaks erroneously show developer name as app name

I noticed that in flatpak list output some flatpaks erroneously show the developer name as the app name. The app names are also shown wrong in the Warehouse app, which for itself also shows the wrong name. But their app name on the Flathub website and in their desktop launchers is correct.

These (Discourse won’t let me link them all): ASCII Draw, Bottles, Ear Tag, io.gitlab.adhami3310.Impression, io.gitlab.librewolf-community, io.gitlab.adhami3310.Converter and io.github.flattool.Warehouse.


I’m on Arch Linux with flatpak 1.15.6.

I assume some issue with the metadata in these apps? I’d like to help fix it but don’t know enough yet about where this data is coming from. How can I find that out?

Here’s LibreWolf metadata:

Looks fine to me.
I also have this issue, Flatpak 1.14.4 on Ubuntu 22.04

You could print metadata this way (example for com.usebottles.bottles):

appstreamcli dump com.usebottles.bottles
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This is a bug in flatpak:

It will be fixed in the next release, but unfortunately the listing will remain broken for each app until the next time it’s updated or reinstalled.

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Appreciate the link and thank you for fixing it! I’m okay with it taking a while to roll down to every app, this explains why.

And @faveoled thanks for the handy command!

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