Hi everyone,
We have now released Freedesktop SDK 24.08.0. It is already available
on Flathub!
Check the NEWS file for all the updates:
Main changes are:
- Setup of RISC-V native runners (still experimental) (RISC-V support exist since 21.08 but this will allow
to check support more often) - Experimental support for loongarch64 architecture
- Added lots of image format libraries libavif libjxl webp-pixbuf-loader libheif, etc. ffmpeg got libx265 support
- Ship gst-plugins-rs together with the other GStreamer components
- The deprecated appstream-glib library was removed in favour of libappstream. Maintainers are advised to transition away from the appstream-compose, appstream-util commands to appstreamcli. See also Improved build validation, increased moderation, and the long-awaited switch to libappstream | Flathub Documentation
- Update all the components to the latest version available, check specific versions at Release Contents · Wiki · freedesktop-sdk / freedesktop-sdk · GitLab
- A lot of other small fixes and improvements
Additional notes for people upgrading
- This release includes the latest stable GCC (GCC14), please check the porting guide at: Porting to GCC 14 - GNU Project
- Flatpak projects building against 24.08 should use flatpak builder 1.4.4 if their dependencies use meson or cmake buildsystems
If you maintain an application using the Freedesktop SDK runtime, please
consider upgrading the version, especially if you are still using
22.08 or earlier as It’s going to be EOL soon.
In most cases, this mostly requires changing “runtime-version”
in the Flatpak builder manifest of the application.
This is the result of a year of work from all our contributors, thanks
a lot to all of them!
1487 freedesktop_sdk_updater
442 Freedesktop SDK Merge Bot
332 Seppo Yli-Olli
332 bbhtt
63 Robin Lee
58 Abderrahim Kitouni
52 Erick555
38 Valentin David
37 Jordan Petridis
28 Javier JardĂłn
20 Ben Brown
8 Arran Ireland
7 Michael Catanzaro
7 Tanvir Roshid
6 Neill Whillans
5 Leo Park
4 Will Thompson
3 Sabri Ăśnal
2 EliasOfWaffle
2 Philippe Normand
2 Pyfisch
2 qq
1 Adam Roddick
1 Alberto Fanjul
1 AsciiWolf
1 Bartłomiej Piotrowski
1 Chunyi Wu
1 Colin Kinloch
1 Dan Nicholson
1 Dor Askayo
1 Jan-Michael Brummer
1 Jeremy BĂcha
1 JĂĽrg Billeter
1 Kejia Hu
1 Konrad Kolodziejczyk
1 Robert Mader
1 Tom Coldrick
1 axtloss2
1 qq qq
Thanks as well to our infrastructure sponsors; without their help this
project will not be possible:
- https://osuosl.org/ (x86_64, ARM, PPC and RISC-V build servers)
- https://www.worksonarm.com/ (ARM build server)
- RISC-V foundation (RISC-V build server)
Also special thanks to Codethink for some engineering support during the cycle
If you need assistance or have any issues, please get in touch!
- File issues at Issues · freedesktop-sdk / freedesktop-sdk · GitLab
- Join the our matrix channel: You're invited to talk on Matrix
- Join the mailing list: Freedesktop-sdk Info Page
- You can also ask on Flathub’s forum: https://discourse.flathub.org/
freedesktop-sdk team