Graph / How x11 and wayland are doing across all apps on Flathub

I haven’t seen too many graphs around, so I would like to contribute two simple graphs.

One graph about the x11 and wayland status across all apps on Flathub.
One graph about the --filesystem permissions across all apps on Flathub.

The graphs can be found here ->



I forgot to account for fallback-x11. Updating the graph… Stay tuned!


Have you considered adding a graph showing how many apps use require-version, and which versions of flatpak they require?

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I have not, but that was a good idea @183231bcb. The graph would be a bit misrepresenting though, because very few apps actually use --require-version:


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For some reason it appears that FlatStat is not detecting KAtomic. Searching for KAtomic in the “by stars” tab shows no results.

It is there, but not on all lists, because I only show the top 300 apps for any given list. I realize it is a bug that Katomic does not show up, and I am filtering the list in the wrong order or something. Please make an issue over at Issues · Arxcis/flatstat · GitHub, and will prioritize it :pray:


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The reason was that org.kde.atomic did not have any stars. Flatstat was hiding the entries with 0 stars. Flatstat don’t hide them anymore. You should now be able to see org.kde.katomic in your search.

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But that uncovers another bug (or maybe it’s not a bug and I just don’t understand it). When I search “–require-version” in “by stars,” it turns up 30 apps, of which 22 have a positive number of stars and showed up before the most recent change. However, if I search for --require-version in the “finishing args” tab, it lists six different finishing args (different minimum required versions) with a total of only 26 apps.

It appears the four anomolous apps are com.yubico.yubioath (with --require-version=1.3.2), org.eclipse.Committers (–require-version=1.0.2), com.axosoft.GitKraken (–require-version=0.11.1), and org.gnome.Evince (–require-version=0.11.6). Those four finishing arg values don’t show up when searching for finishing args, but the apps that use them do show up when searching for apps on the by stars tab.