Help with updated texlive package

To whom it may concern,

for the texlive 2023 update I needed to add luametatex to the texlive manifest. In the end I should have the following files:

tex/texmf-/bin/luametatex$SUFFIX : the compiled binary (some 2-3MB)
tex/texmf-/bin/mtxrun$SUFFIX : copy of or link to luametatex
tex/texmf-/bin/context$SUFFIX : copy of or link to luametatex
tex/texmf-/bin/mtxrun.lua : copy of tex/texmf-context/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
tex/texmf-/bin/context.lua : copy of tex/texmf-context/scripts/context/lua/context.lua

In the current version, however, only the file ‘luametatex’ is created and and the links for mtxrun and context are not created. How can I add them? I tried creating the links in the post-install section but it did not work.
Any help is appreciated.

Thanks and regards