How to change amberol flatpak app from light to dark theme?

i feel weird after just switching from ubuntu to solus os it proved me that im a big dumb in computer world. even me myself can’t manually change flatpak (and/or snap) packages to dark theme. so, i wanted to ask you guys how to set all flatpak apps (and snap apps too) to the dark theme to match my current solus os budgie that’re dark theme too. for example, this app called Amberol. thank you in advance.

Most gnome/kde apps will follow the setting of your desktop. I’m not sure if the DE that solus uses, sets the correct values, probably not. Not sure how you would be able to force it, but it should read the values via Portal Documentation

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I use Budgie desktop and the GTK theme I use is dark theme and I turned on dark theme toggle as in the picture.

Ensure xdg-desktop-portal-gtk is installed. Set dark mode: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme 'prefer-dark'.