How to make a desktoplink to an wine application in flatpak

I installed under the standard prefix in wine a program.


in the folder i have an exe

/home/user/.var/app/org.winehq.Wine/data/wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Dud/Dudb/dud.exe

How can i create a desktop icon in linux kdeneon to start the program from the desktop. now i have to start

flatpak run --command=winetricks org.winehq.Wine

Select the stadard prefix, start explorer and klick the path to the exe to start the program. This is very unuseful. Is there a better way to solve this issue?



Exec=flatpak run org.winehq.Wine /path/to/executable

in a .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications

Wine may have placed one in ~/.var/app/org.winehq.Wine/data/applications that you can copy and modify.

Bottles is a convenient frontend for Wine that can create a desktop entry for you.

you can use to import your directory, it will allow you to create shortcuts etc.