I ran into this problem and have no idea what to do

i was watching a video of a guy teaching me how to install and use flathub apps on chromebooks and on the part where i have to paste link from flathub to install the app it says

platonbahrov2@penguin:~$ flatpak install flathub org.blender.Blender
Looking for matches…
error: Nothing matches org.blender.Blender in remote flathub

somebody, save my life pls
this is the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGf10csP91I

Which CPU is in your system? Blender is only available for Intel & AMD CPUs (x86_64), not for ARM CPUs (aarch64).

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ohhh, i got a mediatek :disappointed_relieved: but thank you. But is there another way to download blender on my chromebook?

You’ll probably have to ask somewhere else. Other distributions (e.g. Debian) build Blender for ARM CPUs, too. But I can’t say how you can get this on your Chromebook.

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