Is it possible to get my application accepted at Flathub?

Hello, I developed Qocker few weeks/months ago and I finish the flatpak packaging but I’m facing issue in build lint because I need my application to have access to Docker socket

$ flatpak run --command=flatpak-builder-lint org.flatpak.Builder manifest ./flatpak/
F: Not sharing "/usr/share/icons" with sandbox: Path "/usr" is reserved by Flatpak
   "errors": [
   "info": [
"finish-args-arbitrary-dbus-access: finish-args has socket access to full system or session bus"
   "message": "Please consult the documentation at"

Qocker is open source application: GitHub - xlmnxp/Qocker: Qocker is a user-friendly GUI application for managing Docker containers. Built with PyQt5, it provides an intuitive interface for viewing and interacting with your Docker containers.

What information do you miss in the linked documentation?

I’m not missing anything but I’m worry that Qocker will not be accepted because it connect to docker socket directly

I’d say that’s what the review process is for. You start the discussion by reasonable explaining why you need the exception.

I’m not doing any reviews, so I can’t say anything for sure:
But the linter isn’t complaining about the docker socket, it’s complaining about the session-bus. I suspect you’ll be asked what exactly you need it for & why you aren’t limiting it:


Exceptions allowed: Yes, on a case-by-case basis

The finish-args in the manifest has --socket=session-bus or --socket=system-bus.

This must not be used except for very specific cases. Please follow the Flatpak permission guide for more information and find out the specific DBus names required using --log-session-bus.

Other applications interacting with docker don’t require it.

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look like I need socket=session-bus to open system terminal to container shell

You can audit what is actually needed/called, refer to Debugging - Flatpak documentation