Is there anyone available to discuss the results of App Listing Quality report

I have an App Listing Quality report for one of my packages that list issues regarding the package name (using of : symbol, name length, etc). The problem is that package name used by me is the exact original name of program. Can I have these checks passed given the circumstances, and how it will affect my application listing if I won’t be able to pass them?

The app in question: Katawa Shoujo: Re-Engineered | Flathub

Hey there,

it doesn’t affect any listing right now, what we will likely do in the near future is highlighting different high quality apps on the top of the frontpage. Basically what the mockups at the end of Raising the Bar: Introducing the new App Metadata Guidelines | Flathub Documentation show.

I do think the : should be fine here, as it’s the games brand, I can make that go away.

The real problem for us, is the length of that title (and also the summary) as that’s computed by the backend, so if it’s over 20 chars, we can’t overwrite it - with what we currently have.

So that would need consens and some code changes I would have liked not to do :slight_smile:

@razzeee my app Jogger | Flathub is failing on the screenshot requirements. Happy to change them if that’s the consensus decision but I wonder if there might be an exception (similar to the one for full screen games) here since the screenshots were chosen to highlight that the app is primarily designed for Linux mobile devices only. What do you think?

I think we might do that at some point in the future, but for now, I think we need to handle it like it’s documented, so our tip would be to just do desktop screenshots anyway.