Kasts not starting


just did flatpak update which updated the kasts app. now it doesnt start anymore. in terminal i can see:

qt.multimedia.ffmpeg.libsymbolsresolver: Couldn’t load VAAPI library
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/main.qml:175:34: Type GlobalSearchField unavailable
qrc:/GlobalSearchField.qml:14:1: module “org.kde.kirigamiaddons.delegates” is not installed
qrc:/GlobalSearchField.qml:13:1: module “org.kde.kirigamiaddons.labs.components” is not installed
qrc:/GlobalSearchField.qml:14:1: module “org.kde.kirigamiaddons.delegates” is not installed
qrc:/GlobalSearchField.qml:13:1: module “org.kde.kirigamiaddons.labs.components” is not installed

Is this a kasts issue or am i missing some flatpak runtime or so?

EDIT: Seems Fedora’s flatpak package is broken. The one from Flathub works.

Then this should go to Fedora bug tracker. (no idea where it is these days)

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