KeePassXC Linux stopped working after today's update

Good morning

I had an update today on Linux Mint, keepassXC which has been working perfectly. Now on my desktop and laptop, it fails to load after entering in the correct password. It’s now version 2.7.8. BTW, the developer site shows that the latest version is 2.7.7 so that’s weird.

It’s pointing to the right file, my wife’s Windows machine with Keepass (which did not have an update) is having no issues, and I can log into my .kdbx file from the Windows version of Keepass.

Anyone else having this issue? You realize how much you come to rely on it, I had to guess at the login/password combo for this forum!

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It’s an issue with the Flathub release & the developer is aware of it: Can't open database on flatpak after version 2.7.8 · Issue #10676 · keepassxreboot/keepassxc · GitHub

All downloads show now 2.7.8 as the latest release. You can check the releases on the GitHub page, it should always show the latest release.

As a verified app, it is maintained by a KeePassXC developer. But you still can check the changes to the Flatpak yourself: GitHub - flathub/org.keepassxc.KeePassXC

Thank you kindly.


This has been fixed by the maintainers