Kickstarting Flathub Governance

There is a previous issue on the topic but it never truly moved anywhere. I and @barthalion were the only two even interested in it, but feel free to pick it back up.

Something like “kubernetes’” is weird though, because it reads like an ice-cream koan. Sounds all very meaningful, but it does nothing in terms of governance or process-guidance. It’s the kind of stuff that marketing comes with. The FWUPD Technical Charter is on the other hand excellent, with clear guides and processes. I would prefer that over ‘’ every day.

My primary question would be in relation to third-parties; Packaging some GPL application to rip CD’s or play games is one thing, but how are we going to engage with Slack, Discord, Steam and similar, in an attempt to get them to cooperate?

All the criticisms of Snap aside, Canonical has a long history of engaging and supporting their commercial partners and we are fighting an uphill battle there. The battle amongst the Linux enthusiasts has been won, and you can clearly see the zeitgeist change in favour of Flatpaks, but we will need to grease some palms.

Second important question; how much community vs engineering? I never had strong community-feelings to the people here at Flathub. Mind you, I like contributing and I respect my fellow contributors, but we don’t engage much with each other. Every package is it’s own thing after all.