New WPS Office maintainer wanted

Hello there. About 2 years ago I’ve participated in creating the WPS Office flatpak and continued to maintain it, but personally never get used to it and now don’t use it myself at all. Lack of dogfooding makes it harder to catch bugs and properly respond to issues early.

Since it’s rather popular app (about 200 new downloads a day according to flathub stats), I believe it should me maintained by someone more interested in it, and sadly that’s not me.

I’ll continue to update it and try to fix critical issues, but I’d like to pass it on to someone else.
If you want to (co-)maintain it - please reply here and/or contact flathub admins to give you push permissions to the WPS Office flatpak git repo.


Get this post from deepin bbs, just mark anyway star first. :upside_down_face:

@gasinvein i don’t want to be the dev, but can i get permissions on the repo to merge complete PR’s and dependabot updates?