Hey there, I’m the upstream maintainer for GHex as well as the maintainer for the flatpak on Flathub. I can’t seem to verify the app with my GNOME Gitlab account since it is asking for klember
to login - he is one out of two maintainers listed in the upstream .doap file as well as myself. Does the site not have the ability to authenticate in the event of more than one maintainer listed in the .doap file? Or am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.
cc @barthalion will know more. But afaik you need to move yourself as the first name in doap.
Yeah, you need to be first website/backend/app/verification.py at main · flathub-infra/website · GitHub
Thank you. I did the reordering and now Flathub is correctly looking for me to login as my own username on GNOME Gitlab. However, when I now try to do this, I get the error message: “The selected account is already logged in.” This also happens if I log out of GNOME Gitlab in my browser session - it then asks me to login to GNOME Gitlab, and when I do that, it gives me the same error. I also get the same error if I attempt this in a private browser session.
I still don’t get why it was done like that, but you end up here website/backend/app/logins.py at fb985d45bcd33387f58102add8bc865c2b90ddc4 · flathub-infra/website · GitHub
I made myself first in the .doap file upstream but I still can’t verify. Nothing I try seems to work. I guess it will remain unverified for now, even though I am the upstream maintainer AND the flathub package maintainer via github.
For anyone using GHex via Flathub, here is your proof that is is “verified yet unverified”
Did you manage to log in? Or you managed to log in but can’t verify it?
It just keeps saying “The selected account is already logged in.”
it might be easiest to delete and recreate your user