org.kde.Platform branch 6.6 is end-of-life. Need to update manually?

Info: runtime org.kde.Platform branch 6.6 is end-of-life, with reason:
We strongly recommend moving to the latest stable version of the Platform and SDK
Info: applications using this runtime:

I have this message when i try to check the update from terminal.
The question it’s… i need to do somethings on my side ? Or the developer need to update the app directly ?

This is something the developer has to do, ping them in case they didn’t realize

Ah ok… It confuses me because it gives this warning to the user.
In theory this app should have its own development on Github but I’m not sure about that.

@mbunkus i thinks this in interested for you :slight_smile:

Issue created…

Yeah, I think the idea here, might be to inform the user, cause it might make them vulnerable?