Question on EOL runtimes

Hi there.
Registered specifically to “like” a couple of posts by user @yakushabb that decided to pull up his sleeves and do some work on something he seems (or seemed) to be just a curious mind. Thanks to him and to everybody that tries to keep rogue packages up-to-date, when that could/should be the app developers themselves to be doing.
On to the point. OBS is using a runtime that is EOL (org.kde.Platform 6.6) again.
So, now it’s my turn. Is there any documentation on what I should do to fix the package on my own and then give it back to the hub in case I succeed?

You can’t do anything. If an app is using an EOL runtime, you have to inform the maintainers. OBS in this case is maintained by the upstream directly so report it to Issues · obsproject/obs-studio · GitHub