R Studio Flatpak Request

Project information:

RStudio provides free and open source tools for R and enterprise-ready professional software for data science teams to develop and share their work at scale.

Name: R Studio
Homepage: https://rstudio.com/
License: Affero General Public License v3

Upstream has been contacted:
Yes, see this issue #3079: Bundle RStudio Desktop for Linux as a Flatpak, Snap, or AppImage

Upstream is interested, but it has been deferred to the future. In the meantime, felipe borges and colleagues have started working on a Flatpak manifest here:

Last activity was in November - I dont know whether they are still working on this, but someone could pick it up from here (there is a TODO list on the github page linked above)


it was updated again in April, 2020 but apparently it was not updated to reflect that finally RStudio 1.3.x arrived in May, 2020. BTW, Felipe Borges and colleagues based their work on what was provided by Alexander Wilms

Any news here?

Maybe it would be good to create a runtime providing R and package that separetly from RStudio. It might be interesting for e.g. Jamovi and Jasp too.

WIP submission

If the last post from Oct, 2021 is the solution, why doesn’t RStudio show up in flathub?

What went wrong?

it hasn’t been merged.

What should be done to get it merged?

Is anyone working on it?