Hi everyone,
With commitments from OBS, Heroic, other gaming tools I think we can start helping out app authors who want to engage in publishing their software on Flathub. I’m running an entirely flatpaked setup for gaming and it’s been great so far, don’t worry there’s still plenty of work for us to do. I am currently using lots of these, Steam, mangohub, etc. but it might be a good idea for us to make a list of cool gaming applications, seeing if it’s on flathub, and then move from there.
(/home/tcl666’s desktop with the goodies)
Existing Apps
There are some apps in flathub that will need help/eyeballs to get them over the line and working how users expect. Perhaps we can do “This week we help $app” or something like that and then we all agree to install it and help out where we can. The more things we fix here the easier the next steps will get. The more warts we document the more we know exactly what needs to happen so the next person can have a better place to start.
New Apps
There are still plenty of gaming OSS apps that are not on flathub. That’s some excellent low hanging fruit since we’ve got a good core of apps coming in and with the Steam Deck being in the wild we could help lots of app developers by working with them to get on the hardware and onto every distro that wants to participate.
If you are a maintainer of one of these and need help, please post. If you are a person who can help your favorite app get there, then post also, we can help coordinate apps with people willing to help.
(Vega’s desktop, also with the goodies)
First steps
I think we can start with just telling people we’re here to help and reaching out to app authors and seeing what they need. Outreaching to existing OSS projects who aren’t on flathub seems like a good place to start since we’re all OSS people and hopefully we can pave the way for the larger organizations.
I would love to see better support for all my Elgato gear, my Scarlett, you name it. By working with existing OSS projects we can make that workflow smoother so that when they do engage we’ll be able to help them better.
What do people think?