Sublime Text 3 SDK is out of date

Info: org.freedesktop.Sdk//19.08 is end-of-life, with reason: The Freedesktop SDK 19.08 runtime is no longer supported as of September 1, 2021. Please ask your application developer to migrate to a supported version Applications using this runtime: com.sublimetext.three Info: org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default//19.08 is end-of-life, with reason: The Freedesktop SDK 19.08 runtime is no longer supported as of September 1, 2021. Please ask your application developer to migrate to a supported version

The GitHub for Sublime Text 3 has issues as it was packaged with Package Control and a request for updating the SDK fell short for the reason of Package Control being bundled in amongst other things.

Sublime Text 4 is out but has not been flatpak’ed yet either and attempts to have it packaged have also fallen short because of the Package Control issue and and a bus name issue.

This could happen with software in the future, how should we proceed? I believe @LeandroStanger reached out to bump the SDK…

You might want to join flathub matrix channel and chat about the issue.

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