TeXworks 0.6.8 and pdflatex not configured correctly

I have just installed TeXlive 2023 and TeXworks 0.6.8.

I can compile my TEX file from the terminal via pdflatex …, but not within TeXworks which says :

pdfLaTeX is not configured correctly

Is there a fix somewhere?

How did you install TeXLive? Did you install org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.texlive//22.08 or texlive from TeX Live - TeX Users Group (tug.org)?
The first one should work out of the box, the second needs manual pointing to your pdflatex binary.

I have installed the TeXlive from TeX Live - TeX Users Group.

So I need to give the full path to pdflatex? Am I right?

Yes, in your case you have to give the absolute path to pdflatex.
Or you just install the texlive extension :wink: .