Thunderbird and I3

All, received update for thunderbird, I am on I3 and after thunderbird update on flathub, thunderbird no longer launches on both my laptops.

Did you try to start it from command line and got an error?

I’m facing the same issue, I use Sway on Archlinux.

I had to rollback in order to go back to operational:

flatpak --user update --commit=3c04bcc9b87caa7c4ef6cc19fb948ae409c2ba30d4b658ea4dc5cfe3bb413f88 org.mozilla.Thunderbird

@gfm1948 do you use a master password?

No big deal, I can open any of my .msf files of my local folder to get into thunderbird. :laughing:

can you answer to my previous question? It could help to troubleshoot the problem.

What do you mean with master password?

does TB ask you for a password after you open it?

I reported the problem upstream.

When I runbthe flathub update this morning there was a thunderbird update (permissions), now able to access thunderbird. :grinning:

Yes, confirmed also from my side. I’ll update the bz bug accordingly. Thanks

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