Today update of "runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default/x86_64/23.08 " gives "Corrupted file object" error

Hi all,
today upgrading Firefox and Floorp I receive the error “Corrupted file object” on 2 components

What can I do?

The upgrade log

mirto@mostro:~$ sudo flatpak upgrade
Looking for updates…

        ID                                             Branch                 Op            Remote             Download
 1. [✗] org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default            23.08                  u             flathub            1.8 MB / 162.3 MB
 2. [✗] org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default            23.08-extra            u             flathub            2.0 MB / 162.3 MB

Warning: While pulling runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default/x86_64/23.08 from remote flathub: opcode close: Corrupted file object; checksum expected='6ee5cee902f063c68c27ee2ce8106bf98be5c587bc27cec94bf647a84e033ea0' actual='5fbf2cd58658c984f5bf4b068f771ceb12ae7214afe3a847d074f7678f07a16c'
Warning: While pulling runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default/x86_64/23.08-extra from remote flathub: opcode close: Corrupted file object; checksum expected='6ee5cee902f063c68c27ee2ce8106bf98be5c587bc27cec94bf647a84e033ea0' actual='291a3293a3a89482c372d40099e100344c3b63dc78875a1d3722b0f3799a2989'
Updates complete.

Usually the first thing to try would be a flatpak repair

Sorry, no luck

mirto@mostro:~$ sudo flatpak repair
[sudo] password di mirto: 
[21/21] Verifying flathub:runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default/x86_64/23.08…
Checking remotes...
Pruning objects
Erasing .removed
mirto@mostro:~$ sudo flatpak upgrade
Looking for updates…

        ID                                             Branch                 Op            Remote             Download
 1. [✗] org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default            23.08                  u             flathub            39,6 MB / 162,3 MB
 2. [✗] org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default            23.08-extra            u             flathub             8,9 MB / 162,3 MB

Warning: While pulling runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default/x86_64/23.08 from remote flathub: opcode close: Corrupted file object; checksum expected='6ee5cee902f063c68c27ee2ce8106bf98be5c587bc27cec94bf647a84e033ea0' actual='f40c621891865aff2ee8dcccf82bad953d610ac1e4c2f0ced3d783dc57db4689'
Warning: While pulling runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default/x86_64/23.08-extra from remote flathub: opcode close: Corrupted file object; checksum expected='6ee5cee902f063c68c27ee2ce8106bf98be5c587bc27cec94bf647a84e033ea0' actual='bedd63aecc9f759bcb52ed05976d1596652733642aada4a4bc0852e3aeb0a860'
Updates complete.

I have a similar problem:

muli@muli:~$ flatpak update
Looking for updates…

    KENNUNG                                         Zweig Op Remote  Downloa        KENNUNG                                         Zweig Op Remote  Download
  1. [✗] org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.nvidia-535-154-05 1.4 u flathub 1,0 kB / 342,5 MB

Warning: Während des Holens von runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.nvidia-535-154-05/x86_64/1.4 von der entfernten Quelle flathub: Commit 05d8379cf285face967116e118eee2ff0ae65b34cd29e2de81488b7a31f04f5e: Signature made Do 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 CET using [unknown name] key ID 562702E9E3ED7EE8
BAD signature from “Flathub Repo Signing Key
Primary key ID 4184DD4D907A7CAE
Primary key expires Mo 14 Jun 2027 15:18:56 CEST
Updates complete.

i can not complete this update cause of bad signature…so what can i do?

Found a workaround: delete all and reinstall
Commands issued in my case:

sudo flatpak remove org.mozilla.firefox
sudo flatpak remove one.ablaze.floorp
sudo flatpak remove org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default
Similar installed refs found for ‘org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default’:

   1) runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default/x86_64/23.08 (system)
   2) runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default/x86_64/23.08-extra (system)
   3) All of the above

Which do you want to use (0 to abort)? [0-3]: 3
sudo flatpak upgrade
Looking for updates…

        ID                                             Branch                 Op            Remote             Download
 1. [✓] org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default            23.08                  i             flathub             53.9 MB / 162.3 MB
 2. [✓] org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default            23.08-extra            i             flathub            767.5 kB / 162.3 MB

Installation complete.
sudo flatpak install org.mozilla.firefox
sudo flatpak install one.ablaze.floorp

Thanks, this fix for me

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