Hi there - I’m trying to see if there’s a way to include a specific directory of libraries to a flatpak container’s internal path.
I’ve tried adding an ENV variable for export (in flatseal) as follows:
however, the flatpak will not run when I do this, giving an error like:
bwrap: execvp bitwig-studio: No such file or directory
In my case, what I’m trying to do is see if I can expose the yabridge libraries to the Btiwig Studio flatpak install so that I might be able to use my windows-based vst3s. (FWIW, these work well with Reaper)
I’ve tried absolute paths, single, double, no quotes, etc. But, in the end, I’m not convinced this is the issue.
Is there a workaround that would allow a Flatpak container to access specific binaries as part of its internal path?
Also, FWIW, I’ve tried allowing access to host libraries, etc. with no luck.
Through this, I’m trying to get a better understanding of flatpak inner workings while also proving to myself that a reasonable solution is possible for my needs. (I am aware that the recommendation is to use the deb version of Bitwig and avoid the flatpak if at all possible, but in this exercise, I wanted to try to develop an understanding of why. Besides, it defeats the goal of keeping a relatively maintainable release, since I’d have to convert from deb to rpm…)