Unable to verify my app via website verification


I couldn’t verify my app via website verification because my website was developed using Squarespace, which does not allow developers to update static files.

I found this discussion on the Squarespace forum regarding the “well-known” folder and file verification: Link to forum discussion.

Do you guys have any suggestions or alternative methods for verifying my app?

I don’t think there are other ways, then doing it like that post suggests and host that file somewhere else and have your webspace redirect somehow.

You could switch to github/gitlab verification, but that will need you to change your app id, which is not nice.

I’m having the same issue here. My app’s ID begins with io.itch.drwhut, but there is no way for me to be able to add a static file or a redirect for drwhut.itch.io.

An alternative way to verify apps that take into account the fact that the authors may not necessarily host their own websites, and that haven’t picked com.github or com.gitlab as their app ID, would be extremely appreciated. It would be extremely annoying to have to create an entirely new app on Flathub just to get it verified, and let all of the users of the old app know to switch to the new one.

Had I known this feature was going to be added, I would have 100% used com.github instead of io.itch for my app ID.

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looks like squarespace has a developer mode you can turn on in settings to get ftp access, but there’s no “root” directory or something.

i’d try turning it on, making a directory with a test.html and see if you can browse to it.

if not, that host is junk anyway and you’ll have to host your site elsewhere.

You should be able to keep your domain, just buy a different host and point it to the new spot (host).

Then you can keep your app triplet and not have to resubmit.
(That does take a while to get a new app onto flathub - just did that - took a week and a half).

good luck to ya.

If you use the end of life rebase the users (and statistics) are automatically migrated to the new app.

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Ah cool, that definitely makes the user-facing side easier if I do end up having to change the app ID!

Out of curiosity, if an app becomes end-of-life and points to another app ID, does the Flatpak back-end automatically switch to the new app, or does the user have to explicitly state that they want to switch apps?

My only potential concern is that a lot of users use a graphical front-end for Flatpak, e.g. the GNOME Software Centre. If the switch is not automatic, would the front-ends offer the user the ability to switch as well, or does it vary from program to program?

My understanding is that Flatpak itself will handle it transparently to users; their data will even be migrated on disk from the old app ID to the new one.


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