Verification for org.ultimatepp.TheIDE doesn't work


We putted verification file on our server as requested. However, during verification there is an error “Failed to connect to”.

The link on verification site is “”. However, in our case, there is a www. prefix is in the url. So, our link is “”. It works perfectly fine and the requested number is present on that particular page.

Please let me know how we can fix it, or maybe there is a need to fix the Flathub verification script.

Here is the screenshot from the verification site:


After digging more, I found the root cause. The issue is with our certificate it coveres only and not cover in alternative names. The question is can it be workaround or we need to have new certificate?

In comparison to the app when verification works:

I’m actually not sure, so it will probably at least need to wait two weeks before people would be able to look at this part again. Certificate change should be the easier way.