Verification process broken


I’m trying to start the verification process for MKVToolNix. I’m logged in with the correct account: I can see MKVToolNix in My Flathub, and there’s the “Developer settings” button beneath it.

Clicking on the “Developer settings” button works just fine. It’ll take me to the management page, which shows up just fine.

On that page I can expand the “Website verification” section. I do see the “Begin” button.

However, when I click on “Begin” nothing happens. The browser console shows a 422 error:

POST 422

The actual response is:

{"detail":[{"loc":["query","new_app"],"msg":"value could not be parsed to a boolean","type":"type_error.bool"}]}

I’ve tried this with Vivaldi & Firefox. Same issue with both browsers.

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Thanks for taking the time to report this and writing it up as good as you did :slight_smile:

There were some recent changes preparing major features and it seems to have broken this. I have a PR and will fix this ASAP. I’ll also make sure website verification works, as soon as it’s deployed.

Thank you very much for the quick feedback. Appreciate it.

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It should be back working now.

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It does indeed! Again, thank you very much!

I’ve successfully validated the app. How long does it take to reflect the new status in the app search & in the app details page?

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Nevermind, the app now shows up as verified.

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Yes, there is pretty heavy caching involved, so it will take a few to show on all pages / languages etc