What is Good content in App listing quality

There is this app that I’ve requested a review for but it has one failing test that I don’t understand. The particular section it is failing is the Good content section under screenshots.

This is what it says:

Screenshots of apps that display content (media viewers, notes apps, chat, social media, and the like) should not show empty states or ugly content. Take some time to select high quality content, it makes all the difference for screenshots.

At least to me, the screenshots capture the app’s main views. Therefore, I don’t believe it is showing empty state. Regarding being ugly or beautiful, isn’t that subjective?

Can someone please explain to me what is wrong with the contents of the screenshots?

It’s a bit of a border case, because the underlying issue is that the layout of the main screen is almost empty. I’d recommend, for example, merging the “Eye Dropper” and “Saved Colors” screens into one, and making the color picker action just a button on that screen.

That’s somewhat orthogonal to the metadata question though, what you could do right away is just use the “Saved Colors” screen as the first screenshot (that’s the one used on banners), and make sure the list of saved colors is a bit longer so it doesn’t look empty.

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Thank you very much.