When are paid applications supported?

In order for more applications to be published on Flatpack, paid applications must be supported. Companies will not publish their paid applications for free

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When the flathub legal organization appears

Is there at least an approximate date for launching a legal organization?

Is there at least an approximate date for launching a legal organization?


  • $20,000 in contractor support. This is allocated for part-time contracting of Thibault Martin and Dawid Jankowiak to support the STF team and work on a crowdfunding platform for our development fundraising. Some of this is funded by the Endless grant and will be spent on coordinating the next steps of the Flathub payments/donations launch.

Source: https://discourse.gnome.org/t/foundation-2024-2025-budget-and-economic-review/24436.

Hey folks,

Sorry I missed this post. By way of a quick update, these things have been achieved over the past year:

  • We’ve incorporated Flathub LLC as a subsidiary of the GNOME Foundation, which makes it a tax-exempt 501c3 entity.
  • We have draft terms of use (for users) and a developer agreement.
  • We’ve drafted some, but not all of the required governance documents for Flathub as a separate legal entity. We have a draft operating agreement (kind of “bylaws” for the LLC) and a shared services agreement (which explains which services GNOME Foundation will handle for Flathub). We need a governance agreement which explains how Flathub will form its own governance committee/board and make decisions.
  • We’ve been in touch with Stripe and confirmed that they will provide permission for us to collect donations or subscriptions in connection with content being provided, as this is on their “restricted business” list.

The GNOME Foundation has a grant from Endless to fund Flathub’s operating costs and professional services, but only for the next 12 months. Our commitment to Endless as part of this grant is that we will launch the payments/donations features within this period.

With the budget - and deadline - we’re planning to advertise for a program coordinator to work with the GNOME Foundation, KDE e.V. and Flathub team to move ahead with the next tasks:

  • Implement the governance documents and convene the governing body for Flathub, including Flathub, GNOME and KDE representatives.
  • Agree with the GNOME Foundation how we will pay for the “back office” fees - accounting, audit, legal, payments, etc.
  • Finalise and launch the terms of use and developer agreements.
  • Establish bank and Stripe accounts for Flathub.
  • Launch a fundraiser/donation drive for Flathub itself.
  • Switch it on… :slight_smile:

Watch this space for a RFP or similar if you’re interested in this kind of work!


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