Where are the downloaded libraries stored?

I used the python generator to create an install file for libclang which I included in my yaml file.
When my application tries to use ´libclang` though, I get:

“clang.cindex.LibclangError: libclang.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. To provide a path to libclang use Config.set_library_path() or Config.set_library_file().”

Does anyone know where libclang would be installed to, so that I can use Config.set_library_path() with that path?

This is my install file:

name: python3-libclang
buildsystem: simple
  - pip3 install --verbose --exists-action=i --no-index --find-links="file://${PWD}"
    --prefix=${FLATPAK_DEST} "libclang" --no-build-isolation
  - type: file
    url: https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/c2/01/ec65dffc8c94bd8cafd359a76992f3212a239a80ead05522995c105432b8/libclang-16.0.6.tar.gz
    sha256: 4acdde39dfe410c877b4ccc0d4b57eb952100e4ee26bbdf6cfdb88e2033a7d31

It looks like the source distribution of this package doesn’t come with libclng, so you need to instal it separate

Update: It looks like org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.llvm16 contains libclang

I am using the org.kde.Platform, does this also come with libclang?

And if there is an extension to that as well, how would I add it to my mainfest file? Would I just exchange the “org.kde.Sdk” with “org.kde.Extension.llvm16”?

It’s a SDK extension, not a SDK. YOu need to add the following on top of your Manifest:

  - org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.llvm16

and this to your modules section:

  - name: libclang
    buildsystem: simple
      - mkdir -p $FLATPAK_DEST/lib
      - cp $(readlink -f /usr/lib/sdk/llvm16/lib/libclang.so) $FLATPAK_DEST/lib/libclang.so

libclang.so can be foudn after that in /app/lib

I see, thanks. Is there anything similar for org.kde.Sdk though that I could use or can I use the freedesktop extensions on my org.kde.sdk as well?

As the KDE SDK is based on the Freedesktop SDK, you can use all Extensions that are made for the Freedesktop SDK

I still get this error

FAILED: libs/mupdf/build/shared-release/libmupdfcpp.so /run/build/librum/libs/mupdf/build/shared-release/libmupdfcpp.so
cd /run/build/librum/libs/mupdf && ./scripts/mupdfwrap.py -d build/shared-release -b -j 0 m01
(+0.0s): parse.py:14:<module>: Warning, could not import clang: No module named 'clang'
(+0.1s): state.py:18:<module>: Warning: failed to import clang.cindex: e=ModuleNotFoundError("No module named 'clang'")
(+0.1s): state.py:18:<module>: We need Clang Python to build MuPDF python.
(+0.1s): state.py:18:<module>: Install with `pip install libclang` (typically inside a Python venv),
(+0.1s): state.py:18:<module>: or (OpenBSD only) `pkg_add py3-llvm.

This is my manifest:

app-id: com.librumreader.librum
runtime: org.kde.Platform
runtime-version: '6.5'
- org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.llvm16
sdk: org.kde.Sdk
command: librum
- --share=ipc
- --share=network
- --socket=wayland
- --socket=fallback-x11
- --filesystem=home
- --device=dri
rename-desktop-file: librum.desktop
rename-icon: librum
- name: libclangInstall
buildsystem: simple
- mkdir -p $FLATPAK_DEST/lib
- cp $(readlink -f /usr/lib/sdk/llvm16/lib/libclang.so) $FLATPAK_DEST/lib/libclang.so
- name: librum
buildsystem: cmake-ninja
- type: git
url: https://github.com/Librum-Reader/Librum.git
commit: d62ee446dc3ad0b79c2598cc2132316902b46316
- name: install-files
buildsystem: simple
- install -Dm644 librum.desktop -t /app/share/applications
- install -Dm644 ../com.librumreader.librum.metainfo.xml -t /app/share/metainfo
- install -Dm644 src/logo.svg -t /app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/librum.svg

(The indentation got messed up by copy pasting)

I see, thank you for elaborating. I am not sure about the above error though, since it says that libclang would not be installed.

It looks like you have the Python lib not in your Manifest

What do you mean? The above file is my manifest

You said in your startpost that you want to instal pythpn3-libclang, but this is not in your Manifest

I thought adding org.kde.Extension.llvm16 would remove the need for the extra python3-libclang.yaml file since it already installs it. Do I need both?

org.kde.Extension.llvm16 contains libclang itself, but not the Python bindings that you need

I understand, so I need to import this file in my manifest?

name: python3-libclang
buildsystem: simple
- pip3 install --verbose --exists-action=i --no-index --find-links="file://${PWD}"
--prefix=${FLATPAK_DEST} "libclang" --no-build-isolation
- mkdir -p $FLATPAK_DEST/lib
- cp $(readlink -f /usr/lib/sdk/llvm16/lib/libclang.so) $FLATPAK_DEST/lib/libclang.so

- type: file
url: https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/c2/01/ec65dffc8c94bd8cafd359a76992f3212a239a80ead05522995c105432b8/libclang-16.0.6.tar.gz
sha256: 4acdde39dfe410c877b4ccc0d4b57eb952100e4ee26bbdf6cfdb88e2033a7d31

It works! Thank you a lot, my project is now building.

One more thing @JakobDev.

My application expects the /resources/fonts folder from my git repo in $HOME/.var/app/com.librumreader.librum/data/Librum-Reader/Librum. How exactly can I reach that folder, I dont just want to mv ... $HOME/.var/app/com.librumreader.librum/data/Librum-Reader/Librum since I suppose that this will create problems on system wide installs?

it has the wrong expectations. This is not even a flatpak thing. The user directory is not for any application resource.