Where is "Mesa" installed?

I know that sounds odd but where does mesa go? I just experimented a bit with some older mesa versions so the question came up.
I know that the apps go to .var/app/ and i also checked the filesystem that mentions
.local/share/flatpak/runtime though that doesn’t exist for me. Our of curiosity where do these drivers and runtimes go?

~/.var/app contains app data. It’s essentially the app’s home directory, and where XDG_*_HOME point.

The app itself is installed into the system (/var/lib/flatpak) or user (~/.local/share/flatpak) installation, into the app subdir. There’s a bit more to it involving ostree and hardlinks, but that’s the simple answer.

Mesa is distributed as an extension, which is technically a kind of runtime, called org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default. You’re apparently using the system installation, so you can find it at /var/lib/flatpak/runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default.


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