Build failed during the commit stage

I maintain the package org.fcitx.Fcitx5.Addon.McBopomofo and I found the most recent build failed during the commit stage. The error message says:

Error: Failed to contact backend HTTP status server error (500 Internal Server Error) for url (

I actually saw the same build failure a few hours ago and tried the Rebuild button a few times, but the result was the same.

This seems to share the same issue reported in this thread back in March 2024: Commit stage of flathub app build failing

From the build dashboard there also appears to be a few other build failures which all shared the same error.

Iā€™m happy to provide more information. Let me know too if I need to file the report in another issue tracker or forum.

Thank you!

I retriggered the build earlier Flathub builds, that went through. This was an issue on our end.

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